Guestkey Touch Free SDK

This is the documentation for the Guestkey Touch Free SDK for Android and iOS. In order to use the SDKs, the 3rd party will be provided with:

IMPORTANT: API keys are intended for use on private 3rd party servers and must be stored securely. They should never be shared publicly or stored or used in anyway on mobile or other publicly accessible devices.

Android requirements:

  • Min API level 24

  • Following permissions in manifest and runtime:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

  • Following gradle (or equivalent) imports:


iOS requirements

  • iOS 15.0

The following diagram shows how to integrate the full solution with your mobile application and B2B servers:



  1. The 3rd party server must register the Guest's Device for each Tenant required.

  2. The Device ID(s) must be stored securely on the Guest's mobile device. It must be delivered to the mobile device via a secure mechanism and not shared with other person(s) or devices.

  3. The 3rd party server can then create keys using the Device ID and Tenant ID. The ID of the created key is returned in the location header of the response.

  4. On the Guest mobile device, the Sync Keys SDK function should be called at regular intervals (eg onResume, when back online after loss of connection and in background every x minutes) or if key is not present when attempting to unlock:


    The code uses Kotlin coroutines and runs on the Dispatchers.IO dispatcher (on a background thread). Example usage (for Java see below):

    lifecycleScope.launch {
        val result = com.guestkey.sdk.syncKeys(context, tenantId, deviceId)

    Result type:

    data class Result(val success: Boolean = false, val error: String? = null)


    let guestkey = GuestkeyClient()
    let result = await guestkey.syncKeys(tenantId: tenantId, deviceId: deviceId) something with result

  5. The SDK will store the keys in the Device local storage for android or keychain for iOS.

  6. When the Guest wants to unlock a lock, the Unlock SDK function should be called:


    Bluetooth code on Android should be run on the main thread to avoid errors. Example usage (for Java see below):

    viewModelScope.launch { 
        val result = com.guestkey.sdk.unlock(context, tenantId)

    Result type:

    data class Result(val success: Boolean = false, val error: String? = null)


    let guestkey = GuestkeyClient()
    let result = await guestkey.unlock(tenantId: tenantId) something with result

    Possible errors from unlock function:

    • "No keys"

    • "No device found"

    • "Timeout"

  7. Keys can be revoked using this API.

Java Usage:

A Continuation abstract class is provided to allow Java code to call the Kotlin suspend functions:

UnlockKt.unlock(context, tenantId, new Continuation<Result>() {
  public CoroutineContext getContext() {
    return EmptyCoroutineContext.INSTANCE;

  public void resume(Result result) { something with result

  public void resumeWithException(Throwable throwable) {
    ...there was an exception thrown